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<div class="page-header" > <h1>Federation through Images</h1> </div>
<div class="page-header" > <h1>Federation through Ideograms</h1> </div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h2>Rebuilding the foundations</h2></div>
<div class="col-md-3"><font size="+1">– We’ve entered an age of information glut. And this is something no culture has really faced before. The typical situation is information scarcity. […] Lack of information can be very dangerous. […] But at the same time too much information can be dangerous, because it can lead to a situation of meaninglessness […].</font>
<div class="col-md-7"><h3>What distinguishes academic knowledge</h3>
<p>No rational person will claim that knowledge should not be useful. And yet there are good reasons why practical skills such as cooking and automobile repair have not been admitted to the university. Academic knowledge is the knowledge of principles; it is knowledge that is rigorously founded in time-tested academic methods and procedures.</p>
(Neil Postman in a televised interview to <em>Open Mind</em>, 1990)
<p>Our standards of excellence and ideas of what constitutes good or academic knowledge and knowledge work have been evolving since antiquity, and they now find their foremost expression in science and philosophy. We are about to see that the fundamental insights reached in the 20<sup>th</sup> century science and philosophy legitimize, and indeed <em>demand</em> that we take a further step in this evolution. We shall see how this naturally leads to the creation of principles that inform our handling of life's basic issues. We shall see why even the most honorable notion of fundamental work or "basic research" can justifiably be applied to the development of the methods and the social processes by which those principles are created.</p>
<p>The technical word is [[paradigm|<em>paradigm</em>]]. We use this word to point both to the just mentioned emerging paradigm in knowledge work, and to the larger paradigm in cultural and societal evolution that may be expected to result from its application.</p>
<div class="col-md-6"><p>"[...] of people not having any basis for knowing what is relevant, what is irrelevant, what is useful, what is not useful, where they live in a culture that is simply committed, through all of its media, to generate tons of information every hour, without categorizing it in any way for you", Postman continued.</p>
<p>When making a case for a new academic [[paradigm|<em>paradigm</em>]], we are not making a case <em>against</em> the prevailing one. Those [[paradigm|<em>paradigms</em>]] are (to use Thomas Kuhn's useful keyword) <em>incommensurable</em> – each of them is more suitable for certain purposes than for others. The purpose we have in mind is, once again, to functionally <em>inform</em> our society.</p></div>
<h3><em>Knowledge federation</em> is a social process whose function is to <em>connect the dots</em>.</h3>
<p>And <em>complement</em> publishing and broadcasting by adding meaning or <em><b>insights</b></em> to overloads of data; and by ensuring that <em><b>insights</b></em> are <em>acted</em> on.</p>  
<p>Among various sorts of <em><b>insights</b></em>, of especial importance are <em><b>gestalts</b></em>; of which "Our house is on fire" is the canonical example: You may know all the room temperatures and other data; but it is only when you <em><b>know</b></em> that your house is on fire that you are empowered to <em>act</em> as your situation demands. A <em><b>gestalt</b></em> can ignite an <em>emotional</em> response; it can inject <em>adrenaline</em> into your bloodstream.</p>
<h3>I use the word <em>gestalt</em> to pinpoint what the word <em>informed</em> means.</h3>
<p>Our traditions have instructed us how to handle situations and contingencies by providing us a repertoire of <em><b>gestalt</b></em>–action pairs. But what about those situations that have <em>not</em> happened before?</p>  
<p><em><b>Knowledge federation</b></em> uses <em><b>ideograms</b></em> to create and communicate <em><b>gestalts</b></em> and other <em><b>insights</b></em>. An <em><b>ideogram</b></em> can condense one thousand words into an image; and make the point of it all recognizable at a glance; and communicate <em><b>know-what</b></em> in ways that incite action.</p>
<p>The existing <em><b>knowledge federation ideograms</b></em> are only a placeholder—for a variety of techniques that will be developed through artful and judicious use of media technology.</p> </div>
<div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Postman.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Neil Postman]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h2>Ideograms</h2></div>
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<div class="col-md-7"><h3>Not all images are worth one thousand words</h3>
<font size="+1">Modernity ideogram explains the error that is the theme of this proposal.</font></div>
<p>But the [[ideograms]] are! They play a similar role in [[knowledge federation]] as mathematical formulas do in traditional science. An ideogram can condense a wealth of insights and many pages of text into an image whose message can be recognized at a glance. Recall the Newton's formula, or Einstein's ubiquitous E=mc&sup2;  – those too are ideograms! But the possibilities behind the ideographic approach are endless, and they vastly surpass the conventional maths.</p>
<div class="col-md-7"><h2>Modernity ideogram</h2>
<p>The creative possibilities of [[ideograms|<em>ideograms</em>]] also surpass ''our'' illustrations – and are yet to be developed through creative use of new media.</p>
<p>By depicting our society as a bus and our [[information|<em><b>information</b></em>]] as its candle headlights, Modernity ideogram renders the <em><b>gestalt</b></em> of our contemporary condition in a nutshell.</p>
<p>The ideogram we are about to see next renders the essential ideas behind our initiative in a nutshell.</p></div>
<p> [[File:Modernity.jpg]] <br><small><center>Modernity ideogram</center></small></p>
<p>Imagine us as passengers in this bus—as it rushes at accelerating speed toward certain disaster; I imagine it <em>already</em> off track, struggling to dodge trees; and that dodging trees is its <em>only</em> way to choose directions.</p>
<h3>Modernity ideogram points to the <em>fundamental</em> root of this error.</h3>
<p>Nobody in his right mind would <em><b>design</b></em> this vehicle; surely the people who created it must have simply <em><b>reified</b></em> the source of illumination they had as headlights, without giving it a thought.</p>
<p>In <em>One Hundred Pages for the Future</em>, in 1981, based on a decade of The Club of Rome's research into the future prospects of mankind, Aurelio Peccei—this global think tank's leader and co-founder—concluded: “It is absolutely necessary to find a way to change course.” How can we <em>possibly</em> <em><b>change course</b></em> while our 'headlights' are as they are?</p>
<h3><em>Information</em> must intervene between us and the world.</h3>
<p>And between us and our choices; and not just <em>any</em> information—but <em><b>information</b></em> that has been conscientiously <em>designed</em> for its <em><b>pivotal</b></em> function (I qualify something as <em><b>pivotal</b></em> if it decisively influences our society's evolutionary <em><b>course</b></em>; and as <em><b>correct</b></em> if it corrects it).</p>
<p>In <em>Guided Evolution of Society</em>, in 2001, systems scientist Béla H. Bánáthy <em><b>federated</b></em> relevant academic sources, and concluded in a genuinely <em><b>holotopian</b></em> tone:</p>
<p>“We are the first generation of our species that has the privilege, the opportunity, and the burden of responsibility to engage in the process of our own evolution. We are indeed chosen people. We now have the knowledge available to us and we have the power of human and social potential that is required to initiate a new and historical social function: conscious evolution. But we can fulfill this function only if we develop evolutionary competence by evolutionary learning and acquire the will and determination to engage in conscious evolution. These are core requirements, because what evolution did for us up to now we have to learn to do for ourselves by guiding our own evolution.</p>
<p>Modernity ideogram points to this new <em>communication</em> challenge we are facing—to foster "evolutionary competence"; and the "will and determination to engage in conscious evolution" to begin with.</p>
<h3><em>Knowledge federation prototypes</em> "evolutionary guidance".</h3>
<p>Or metaphorically—the society's new 'headlights'.</p>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h2>A better way to be creative</h2></div>
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<div class="col-md-6"><h3>Modernity ideogram</h3>
<font size="+1">Information ideogram depicts the (principle of operation of the socio-technical) lightbulb.</font></div>
<p>The [[Modernity ideogram]] renders also the nature of our and our civilization's present condition in a nutshell.</p>
<div class="col-md-7"><h2>Information ideogram</h2>
[[File:Modernity.jpg]] <br><small><center>Modernity ideogram</center></small>
<p><em>What do we need to do</em> to correct this so ugly error?</p>  
<p>Improving the candle won't do; that will <em>never</em> lead us to the lightbulb! So we must first of all design the <em>process</em>; and (you may need to reflect for a moment to see why) this process <em>must</em> include a <em><b>prototype</b></em>.</p>  
<h3><em>Knowledge federation</em> is both the process and the <em>prototype</em>.</h3>
<p>[[File:Information.jpg]] <br><small><center>Information ideogram</center></small></p>
<p>The Information ideogram depicts (the 'lightbulb' or) <em><b>information</b></em> (what it needs to be like to provide us evolutionary guidance) as an “i”  (for "information"), composed as a circle or dot or <em><b>point</b></em> on top of a <em><b>rectangle</b></em>. Think of the <em><b>rectangle</b></em> as (representing) a multitude of documents; and the <em><b>point</b></em> as the point of it all; then you may interpret this <em><b>ideogram</b></em> as a way to say the obvious—that without a <em><b>point</b></em>, a myriad of printed pages are <em><b>point</b></em>-less!</p>
<p>The <em><b>information</b></em> "i" is inscribed in a triangle representing the metaphorical <em><b>mountain</b></em>; which you'll easily comprehend if you think about rising <em>above</em> those 'trees' and the proverbial "information jungle"—in order to see where the roads lead and which one we need to follow.</p>
<h3>The (socio-technical) 'lightbulb' is created by <em>federating knowledge</em>.</h3>
<p>As one would do to create the lightbulb, or any other technical object—we first identified the function or functions this new object will need to serve; and then <em><b>federated</b></em> the relevant sources—to find out what the thing that suits the function needs to <em>be</em> like. I'll illustrate a broad variety of sources we've consulted by a single one—the Object Oriented Methodology. And here too (as I always do in the <em>Liberation</em> book) I'll highlight the main <em><b>points</b></em> by sharing a <em><b>vignette</b></em>.</p>
<p>When the first computers appeared on the market, and people saw the potential of this new machine, ambitious software projects were undertaken—which often resulted in chaos: Thousands of tangled up lines of "spaghetti code", which were impossible to comprehend and correct. The solution was found in the creation of "software design methodologies"; among which the Object Oriented Methodology constituted the solution of choice and a landmark. Ole-Johan Dahl (who co-created the Object Oriented Methodology with Kristen  Nygaard, and later received the Turing Award—the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in computing—for this work) wrote (with C.A.R. Hoare) in <em>Structured Programming</em> in 1972, in a chapter called “Hierarchical Program Structures”:</p>
<p>“As the result of the large capacity of computing instruments, we have to deal with computing processes of such complexity that they can hardly be understood in terms of basic general purpose concepts. The limit is set by the nature of our intellect: precise thinking is possible only in terms of a small number of elements at a time. The only efficient way to deal with complicated systems is in a hierarchical fashion. The dynamic system is constructed and understood in terms of high level concepts, which are in turn constructed and understood in terms of lower level concepts, and so forth.”</p>
<p>Think again of "information jungle"; and imagine it as an enormous mess of documents—all mixed up together; imagine the <em><b>mountain</b></em> rising from it and above it as a structure of viewpoints; each of which offers a <em><b>coherent</b></em> view (you can bend down and inspect a flower; or climb up the mountain and see the valley below; but the nature of our vision is such that we <em>cannot</em> see both at once).</p>
<h3>Only <em>coherent</em> views can be comprehended.</h3> 
<p>If computer programs are to be comprehensible, reusable and modifiable—they need to be <em>structured</em> in a way that conforms to the limits of our intellect, Dahl and his colleagues found out; and created the Object Oriented Methodology as a way to enable the programmers—or to even <em>compel</em> the programmers to achieve that; by programming in terms of "objects". </p>
<p>The creators of Object Oriented Methodology considered themselves <em>accountable</em> for the tools they gave to programmers; at universities, <em>we too</em> must become accountable—for the <em><b>information</b></em> tools we gave to researchers! <em>And</em> to the people at large!</p>
<h3>It is those tools that determine whether the result of humanity's (information-related) efforts will be chaos—or a new order!</h3>
<p>I adapted the idea of the "object" and drafted the <em><b>information holon</b></em>; which is what the Information ideogram depicts. Arthur Koestler coined the keyword "holon" to denote something that is <em>both</em> a whole <em>and</em> a piece in a larger whole; and I applied it to information.</p>
<p>The <em><b>information holon</b></em> is a structuring template and principle; it is composed of a manageable collection of <em><b>coherent</b></em> 'side views', which compose the <em><b>rectangle</b></em> (and allow us to see a subject matter 'from all sides'); which together allow us to see and <em><b>justify</b></em> (or 'prove') a <em><b>point</b></em>—on a still higher level of generality.</p>
<p>The <em><b>mountain</b></em> is technically the <em><b>information holarchy</b></em>; it is composed of <em><b>information holons</b></em>—so that the <em><b>points</b></em> of a more detailed <em><b>holons</b></em> serve as <em><b>dots</b></em> to be connected to compose those more general or <em><b>high-level</b></em> ones.</p>
<p>You may now comprehend <em><b>knowledge fedration</b></em> as the process of distilling <em><b>insights</b></em> or <em><b>points</b></em> from the 'information jungle'; and rendering them as <em><b>information holons</b></em>—to be readily comprehended and verified; and combining them into <em><b>information holarchy</b></em>—to enable us to collectively rise above 'the information jungle' and comprehend things clearly.</p>  
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<font size="+1">Holotopia ideogram shows what we'll see when <em>proper</em> light's been turned on.</font></div>
<p>By representing our civilization as a bus, and our handling of information as its candle headlights, the Modernity [[ideograms|<em>ideogram</em>]] points to a root cause of large and small contemporary issues. Strangely (aren't we living in the Age of Information?), information is that one centrally important thing that we've somehow forgotten to modernize! </p>
<div class="col-md-7"><h2>Holotopia ideogram</h2>
<p>Imagine us riding in a bus with candle headlights, through obscure and uncharted terrain, and at an accelerating speed. The direction that the bus will take is determined by our likes and dislikes, decisions and priorities. The movement of the bus is the result of our creative work, of our efforts to reach a better condition. To be meaningfully directed and sustainable, posits the Modernity [[ideograms|<em>ideogram</em>]], our movement into the future must be suitably informed. The information we have is not at all suitable for that purpose. It has evolved based on an old principle of operation and technology, and for an entirely different purpose. A new <em>approach</em> to knowledge is needed, which combines the new purpose with the new technology.</p>
<p><em><b>Holotopia</b></em> is the vision that resulted when we used 'the lightbulb' to 'illuminate the way': We chose five <em><b>pivotal categories</b></em> (five factors that decisively influence our society's evolutionary <em><b>course</b></em>); and for each of them collected and organized what's been academically published or otherwise reported; and condensed it all to a general <em><b>point</b></em> or <em><b>insight</b></em>. Those <em><b>five categories</b></em> are:</p>
<h3>Knowledge federation</h3>
<p>You may now easily understand [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] as a [[prototypes|<em>prototype</em>]] of a socio-technical 'light bulb'. You may understand our project as an initiative to create new 'headlights', and to put them to practical use.</p>
<li><em><b>innovation</b></em>—our technology-augmented capability to create and induce change</li>
<p>No sequence of improvements of the candle will produce the light bulb. Hence we created this [[prototypes|<em>prototype</em>]] as a proof of concept. And we are now raising this banner on the academic and creative frontier where the 'light bulb' can continue to be developed and improved.</p>
<li><em><b>information</b></em>—which by definition includes not only written documents, but <em>all other</em> forms of heritage or recorded human experience; and also <em>the social processes</em> by which information is created and put to use</li>  
<li><em><b>foundation</b></em>—on which we develop <em><b>knowledge</b></em> and <em><b>culture</b></em> at large; which by definition includes the principles and the criteria we use to decide what we'll collectively rely on and live by; and what in our heritage is worth preserving and developing further</li>
<h3>Systemic innovation</h3>
<li><em><b>method</b></em>—by which we create <em><b>knowledge</b></em>, and distinguish <em><b>knowledge</b></em> from <em><b>belief</b></em></li>
<p>The headlights are just a tiny part of the bus. Their monetary value is negligible in comparison. And yet they will determine the actual value of the whole big thing! The design of the headlights will ultimately decide whether the bus ends up being a mass-suicide machine, or a vehicle of taking us safely to any place or condition where we may reasonably want to be.</p>
<li><em><b>values</b></em>—which direct "the pursuit of happiness" and our other pursuits.</li>
<p>Hence the [[Modernity ideogram]] also points to a better way to use our creative capabilities in general. We call it [[systemic innovation|<em>systemic innovation</em>]], and define it as "innovation toward [[wholeness|<em>wholeness</em>]]". [[systemic innovation|<em>Systemic innovation</em>]] is the innovation whose goal is to secure the wholeness (or proper function or "sustainability" or "thrivability"...) of the system or the systems in which what is being innovated has a role.</p>
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<p>Notice that [[systemic innovation|<em>systemic innovation</em>]] points to a quite profound change of our values and priorities – beyond treating information, or anything else, as a commodity;  beyond maximizing "shareholder value", or catering to "market needs". </p>
<p> [[File:Holotopia-id.jpg]] <br><small><center>Holotopia ideogram</center></small></p>
<p>[[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] and [[systemic innovation|<em>systemic innovation</em>]] are so closely related, that they may almost be considered as synonymous. [[knowledge federation|<em>Knowledge federation</em>]] is the result of [[systemic innovation|<em>systemic innovation</em>]] in knowledge work. And if [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] should be complete, [[systemic innovation|<em>systemic innovation</em>]] must be its objective and result.</p>
<p>The Holotopia ideogram comprises five pillars, each of which has a <em><b>pivotal category</b></em> as base and a <em><b>point</b></em> or <em><b>insight</b></em> as capital; think of a pillar as elevating us above "information jungle", so that we may comprehend a factor that determines our society's evolutionary <em><b>course</b></em> clearly and <em><b>correctly</b></em>.</p>  
<h3>A <em>general</em> insight resulted from the <em>holotopia</em> experiment.</h3>  
<h3>Guided evolution of society</h3>
<p>Whenever we applied <em><b>knowledge federation</b></em> to a <em><b>pivotal category</b></em>, <em>in each case</em> the resulting <em><b>insight</b></em> toppled the "conventional wisdom"—by showing that the way the <em><b>category</b></em> is ordinarily comprehended and handled needs to be <em>thoroughly</em> revised and reversed; and that the effect of <em>each</em> of those reversals will be a <em>dramatic</em> improvement of our overall condition, personal <em>and</em> social.</p>
<p>The [[Modernity ideogram]] also points to the nature of the emerging larger societal [[paradigm|<em>paradigm</em>]], which is really a new of evolving culturally and socially, or metaphorically a new direction for our 'bus'. This new direction has been called "guided evolution of society", and we have adopted this as one of our own technical [[keywords|<em>keywords</em>]].</p>
<p>The resulting <em><b>five points</b></em> or <em><b>five insights</b></em> elevate our comprehension of the world and our situation as a whole; so that when <em>other</em> similarly important themes such as creativity, religion and education are considered <em> in the context of</em> those <em><b>five points</b></em>—<em>their</em> comprehension and handling too ends up being revised and reversed; and we added <em><b>ten themes</b></em> to this <em><b>ideogram</b></em>—represented by the edges joining the <em><b>five insights</b></em>—to illustrate that.</p>  
<p>To be sustainable (or safe, purposeful, meaningful), our societal, cultural and technological evolution, or our ride into the future, must be suitably informed. A natural place to begin  this new evolutionary course is to adapt the way our information is created and used – which is of course what we've been talking about.</p> </div>
<p>Furthermore, the courses of action or reversals those <em><b>five insights</b></em> point to turned out to be so inextricably co-dependent, that making one of them necessitates that we make them all; or in other words—that making <em>any</em> of the obviously necessary improvements of our condition necessitates changing this condition, or technically the <em><b>paradigm</b></em> as a whole.</p>
<p>Each of those five reversals turned out to be a special case of this general principle:</p>
<h3><em>Make things whole.</em></h3>  
<p>Which I can now offer you as <em><b>holotopia principle</b></em>—the simple rule of thumb pointing to a requisite new way in which we need to direct our creative efforts; and the resulting new evolutionary <em><b>course</b></em> and its corresponding 'destination' or order of things or <em><b>paradigm</b></em>.</p>
<h3>To be able to <em>make things whole</em> we need to <em>see things whole</em>.</h3>
<p>So I now offer you <em><b>see things whole</b></em> as the <em><b>holoscope principle</b></em>—the rule of thumb pointing to a new and <em><b>informed</b></em> (creation and use of) <em><b>information</b></em>.</p>  
<p>I can now invite you to take one more step up the metaphorical <em><b>mountain</b></em>—and consider this general conclusion:</p>
<h3>We are not <em>informed</em>.</h3>
<p>What we have—regarding <em>any</em> of the core themes of our lives and times—is not <em><b>knowledge</b></em> but <em><b>belief</b></em>.</p>
<p>As soon as we substitute the 'lightbulb' for the 'candle', and <em><b>knowledge</b></em> for <em><b>belief</b></em>—our comprehension and handling of life's core issues will be <em>radically</em> transformed.</p>  
<h3>And result in radical <em>improvement</em> of our condition.</h3>  
<p>The <em><b>holotopia</b></em> experiment showed that (not "success", nor "profit", but) <em><b>making things whole</b></em> is the direction we need to follow; that (not self-centeredness and competition, but) collaborative self-organization is our—and <em>everyone</em>'s—enlightened interest.</p>  
<p>The stars in the Holotopia ideogram represent <em><b>prototypes</b></em>—which are the <em>results</em> of this enlightened course of action. <em><b>Prototype</b></em> are the <em><b>knowledge federation</b></em> technical tool that enables us to put the <em><b>make things whole</b></em> principle into practice; to turn <em><b>insights</b></em> into action and action into <em>real-life</em> effects, and concerted change.</p>  
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h2>A new way to establish facts</h2></div>
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<div class="col-md-7"><h3>Federation as justification</h3>
<font size="+1">– A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.</font>
<p>Information which we may rely on to orient our efforts – of which the [[Modernity ideogram]] is an example – needs to be itself reliably founded or [[justification|<em>justified</em>]]. In what follows we provide a [[justification|<em>justification</em>]] of the claim made by the Modernity ideogram with the help of a series of four [[ideograms|<em>ideograms</em>]]. Each of them is further justified in a separate document, by 'connecting the dots' or 'standing on the shoulders of giants'.  Hence we both establish the claim we made about new approach to knowledge, by grounding it on already established facts and insights – <em>and</em> demonstrate some suitable techniques.</p>
<p>Each of the first four [[ideograms|<em>ideograms</em>]] presented here will point to a reversal of the conventional academic practice. The fifth will explain how [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] follows as a practice. Click on the name of the [[ideograms|<em>ideogram</em>]] to open the document where the reversal or the practice is justified and explained.</p></div>
(Albert Einstein in an interview to <em>The New York Times</em>, 1946)
<div class="col-md-6"><h2>My point</h2>
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<p>It stands to reason that thinking "inside the box"—within the confines of our habitual and institutionalized patterns of thought and action, which (as Max Weber diagnosed at the point of inception of scientific study of society) keeps us confined to "the iron cage" of dysfunctional and obsolete institutions or <em><b>systems</b></em> (of which the <em><b>system</b></em> of <em><b>information</b></em>, our society's 'candle headlights', is the example at hand), which I'll designate as <em><b>conditioned</b></em>—won't do the job. The "liberation" in <em>Liberation</em> book's title is, of course all-inclusive or comprehensive—just as <em><b>wholeness</b></em> and <em><b>holotopia</b></em>, its results, are; but to make things simple you may just as well see it as the liberation of the <em><b>mind</b></em> from <em><b>conditioning</b></em>—which  is <em>the</em> key to comprehensive liberation.</p>  
  <div class="col-md-3"><h2>See</h2></div>
<p>"The tie between information and action has been severed", Neil Postman warned in his keynote to German Informatics Society titled "Informing ourselves to Death", in 1990; the liberated <em><b>mind</b></em> <em>is</em> that tie. But the information we have today <em>cannot</em> liberate the <em><b>mind</b></em>; because it cannot be turned into action. The <em><b>information</b></em> that will liberate us and empower us must be different in outlook and structure; it must be created by a social process that is different from all institutionalized processes we have—as the <em><b>holotopia</b></em> experiment so convincingly confirmed.</p>  
<div class="col-md-6"><h3>Reversing the purpose</h3>
<p>It is "widely known" that this <em>liberating</em> sort of <em><b>information</b></em> was what Plato undertook to foster when he created Academia; so I turned <em><b>academia</b></em> into a <em><b>keyword</b></em>, and use it to designate "the institutionalized academic tradition"; in order to point out that what we've institutionalized is <em>not</em> what this tradition's founding fathers had in mind.</p>  
<p>We use the metaphor of the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]] to mark the entry point from the conventional academic reality to a vibrantly novel one. "On every university campus there is a [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]] – although, being busy with our courses and deadlines, we do not normally see it," reads the explanation of this [[ideogram]]. "When we see ourselves in the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>, we see the same world that we see around us. But we also see ourselves in the world." The [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]] here symbolizes the insights reached in 20th century's science and philosophy, which challenged the age-old belief that our purpose in knowledge work is to describe the reality "objectively", i.e. as it truly is.</p>
<h3>But this is not my <em>point</em>.</h3>  
<p>As the case is in Louis Carroll's familiar story, it is possible to walk right through the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]]! And when one does, one finds himself in an entirely different academic reality. As in the story, this new reality is in a number of ways a reverse image of the reality we've grown accustomed to.</p>
<p>I am not <em>telling</em> you how the world is—but <em>acting</em> in a new way; and inviting <em>you</em> to act. Because ironically—as long as we use our old and dysfunctional processes and <em><b>systems</b></em> to communicate and act—we remain part of those <em><b>systems</b></em>; and hence also <em>part of the problem</em>!</p>  
<p>Examine the more detailed explanation of the  [[Mirror ideogram]] to see how a solid and broad new foundation for social creation of truth and meaning can be created based on the epistemological state of the art in physics and philosophy – without resort to "correspondence theory".</p>
<h3>The error I am proposing to correct is an error of self-perception.</h3>
<p>What methods, what new document formats, result types, courses of action... does this make possible? [[knowledge federation|<em>Knowledge federation</em>]] may be understood as a fairly complete model of the academic reality on the other side of the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]].</p> </div>
<p>We've been taught to see ourselves as "objective observers"; and that "our job" is to report what we see in conventional publications; we need to see ourselves as <em>actors</em> caught up in a dysfunctional <em><b>system</b></em>—and liberate ourselves and update our <em><b>system</b></em> by <em>self-organizing</em> differently; so that <em><b>academia</b></em> can give its key contribution to continuing our culture's evolution; as it did in Galilei's time.</p>  
<div class="col-md-3"> [[File:Magical_Mirror.jpg]] <br><small><center>Mirror ideogram</center></small></div>
<h3>I invite you to partake in restoring the severed tie between information and action.</h3>  
<p>In this precarious moment of transition from one stable order of things to another, which has been called the Information Age, <em><b>information</b></em> is <em>the</em> transformative power and critical resource that we scientists, we academic researchers, can and <em>must</em> be accountable for; which we must use to empower <em>all of us</em> to be accountable for the viability of our species; and to continue our culture's evolution.</p>  
<p>You and I will truly begin to communicate when you'll no longer see me as trying to convince you of something—but as handing out a missing pieces of the puzzle that is <em>yours</em> to solve.</p>  
<div class="row">
<p>My point is not <em>to tell you</em> how the world is or how to correct it. I am not here to <em>describe</em> anything but to act, and I'm inviting <em>you</em> to act; so that <em>together</em> we may foster the social process and <em>be</em> the social process that will supply the <em><b>information</b></em> we the people <em>vitally</em> need; the <em><b>information</b></em> that will restore <em>vision</em> to post-industrial democracy; and allow <em><b>culture</b></em> to continue evolving.</p>
  <div class="col-md-3"><h2></h2></div>
<h3>The <em>substance</em> of this proposal is a practical way to achieve that.</h3>  
<div class="col-md-6"><h3>Reversing the method</h3>
<div class="col-md-3"> [[File:Polyscopy.jpg]] <br><small><center>Polyscopy ideogram</center></small></div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-3"><h2></h2></div>
<div class="col-md-6"><h3>Reversing the direction of growth</h3>
<div class="col-md-3"> [[File:Crossroads.jpg]]<br><small><center>Science on a Crossroads ideogram</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h2></h2></div>
<div class="col-md-6"><h3>Reversing the structure</h3>
<div class="col-md-3"> [[File:Information.jpg]] <br><small><center>Information ideogram</center></small></div>
<div class="col-md-3 round-images"><h2>  </h2>
<div class="row">
  [[File:Einstein.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Albert Einstein]]</center></small></div>
  <div class="col-md-3"><h2></h2></div>
<div class="col-md-6"><h3>Federating knowledge</h3>
<div class="col-md-3"> [[File:Holarchy.jpg]]<br><small><center>Holarchy ideogram</center></small></div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-3"><h2>See also</h2></div>
<div class="col-md-7"><h3>How to change course</h3>
<p>The Modernity ideogram is suggesting that when proper 'headlights' are put in place, 'the bus' will naturally change its course. Is this really the case? And if it is – in what way may this realistically be expected to happen? This of course is the key question, to which much of our [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] [[prototypes|<em>prototype</em>]] is meant to be an answer. By redirecting knowledge work, and innovation, the Modernity ideogram is of course itself part of the answer. But there are also quite a few others. Examining the [[Convenience Paradox ideogram]] (which points to a redirection of our pursuit of happiness) and the [[Power Structure ideogram]] (which points to a redirection of our pursuit of social justice or democracy) might already provide a sufficient clue.</p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>Our ideas of what constitutes "good" knowledge and "good" academic work, which have been evolving since antiquity, during the past century underwent a thorough revision.</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-9"><p>No rational person will claim that knowledge should not be useful. And yet there are good reasons why practical skills such as cooking and automobile repair have not been admitted to the university. (At the University of Oslo, where this website is hosted, even design and architecture have not been allowed to enter.) Since antiquity our ideas of what constitutes good knowledge and good knowledge work have been evolving, and they now find their foremost expression in science and philosophy.</p>
<p> We are about to see that the 20th century developments in science and philosophy point to a possibility for entirely new academic standards of value and excellence. When lifted up from the sea of glut and combined together, those vital new insights empower a new approach to truth and meaning – which is ''both'' solidly and rigorously founded ''and'' attuned to contemporary needs of people and society.</p></div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>]]The [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]] symbolizes the entry point to an alternate academic reality. </h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-5"><p>We use the metaphor of the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]] to mark the entry point to an emerging and vibrantly novel approach to knowledge (which we may also call a paradigm, an alternate academic reality, a creative frontier, or a way to create truth and meaning). The [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]] here symbolizes the various insights reached in 20th century's science and philosophy, which challenged the age-old ideas regarding the nature of information and knowledge – and in particular, and most importantly, the idea that whatever knowledge work we have gives us an access to reality as it really is, and that we must stick to it if our knowledge work – and in particular academic work – should be good and solid.</p>
<p>"On every university campus there is a [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]], which we – being all too busy with article deadlines –  normally don't see", reads the explanation of this [[ideogram]]. "When we see ourselves in the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>, we see the same world that we see around us. But we also see ourselves in the world. We then realize that we are ''not'' the objective observes we believed we were. We are ''in'' the world! When we see ourselves in the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]], we recognize that it is us, humans, who have created the scientific method and the ethos of the disciplines. And that it is us, academics, who are creating the world we see around us, by looking at it in a certain way, and by instructing others to see it in that way." When we see ourselves in the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]], we begin to feel responsible for the world –  for the way we look at the world.</p>
<p>As the case is in Louis Carroll's familiar story from which the mirror metaphor has been borrowed, this academic mirror too has some unusual properties. To begin with, it is possible to walk right through it! And when one does, one finds himself in an entirely different academic reality. As in the story, this new reality is in a number of ways a reverse image of the reality we've grown accustomed to – more free and creative, and at the same time more solid and responsible, than the reality we're accustomed to. </p>
<p>[[Knowledge federation]] is a model or a [[prototype]] of that new creative reality.</p></div>
<div class="col-md-4"> [[File:Magical_Mirror.jpg]] <br><small><center>Mirror ideogram</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>There are far too many [[giants]] on whose shoulders we might want to stand to more clearly see the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]]. Hence we here represent them by a single one, Albert Einstein. Also elsewhere on these pages Einstein appears in the role of an icon, representing "modern science".  "Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world," Einstein and Infeld wrote in Evolution of Physics. "In our endeavor to understand reality we are somewhat like a man trying to understand the mechanism of a closed watch. He sees the face and the moving hands, even hears its ticking, but he has no way of opening the case. If he is ingenious he may form some picture of a mechanism which could be responsible for all the things he observes, but he may never be quite sure his picture is the only one which could explain his observations. He will never be able to compare his picture with the real mechanism and he cannot even imagine the possibility or the meaning of such a comparison."</p></div>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Einstein.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Albert Einstein]]</center></small></div>
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   <div class="col-md-3"><h4>The belief that our ideas correspond with reality is a common result of illusion.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p>What we've just seen was 'modern science' telling us that "correspondence with reality" is a criterion that cannot be verified.  What we're about to see next is 'modern science' telling us that the common conviction that our ideas correspond with reality is a common result of illusion: "During  philosophy’s  childhood  it  was  rather  generally  believed that it is possible to find everything which can be  known by means of mere reflection. (...) Someone, indeed,  might even raise the question whether, without something  of this illusion, anything really great can be achieved in the  realm of philosophical thought – but we do not wish to ask  this question. This  more  aristocratic  illusion  concerning  the  unlimited  penetrative power of thought has as its counterpart the more  plebeian illusion of naïve realism, according to which things  “are” as they are perceived by us through our senses. This  illusion dominates the daily life of men and animals; it is also  the point of departure in all the sciences, especially of the  natural sciences.” </p>
<p>If our aim is to distinguish what is "really true" from illusion – how can we rely on a criterion that is impossible to verify? And which is itself a result of illusion?</p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– &#91;The&#93; flow from the theoretical to the conventional is an adjunct of progress in the logical foundations of any science. </h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>"We are not discovering an objectively true picture of reality. We are constructing (an approximate representation of) reality". This conclusion, which we are calling the [[constructivist credo|<em>constructivist credo</em>]], follows from the results reached in a broad variety of disciplines (physics, biology of perception, cognitive science, linguistics, sociology, philosophy...). It is also an epistemological position that was upheld explicitly or implicitly by the 20th century's [[giants|<em>giants</em>]]. </p>
<p>This epistemological position has a problem. When the <em>constructivist credo</em> is placed into a system of thought where "truth" means "correspondence with reality", and where each statement is supposed to be <em>about</em> reality, the result is a paradox.</p>
<p>But there is a solution. It is what Willard Van Orman Quine called [[truth by convention|<em>truth by convention</em>]]. <em>Truth by convention</em> is the kind of truth that is common in mathematics: "Let <em>x</em> be... Then..." It is meaningless to ask whether <em>x</em> "really is" as stated. In "Truth by Convention", Quine argued that "every science" progresses from an assumption of mutual understanding and of the reality of shared concepts, to realizing that this assumption does not hold, and then resorting to explicit definition by convention.</p>
<p>So why not allow the creation of truth and meaning in general to progress similarly?</p></div>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Quine.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Willard V.O. Quine]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>An up-to-date foundation for creating truth and meaning can be developed by relying on [[truth by convention|<em>truth by convention</em>]].</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-9"><p>A practical way to do that is to spell out the rules – specify the underlying assumptions by stating them as a convention.  We call such a convention a [[methodology|<em>methodology</em>]]. We have done the exercise; the result is a [[prototype|<em>prototype</em>]] called [[Polyscopic Modeling]]. The knowledge work (epistemology, methods, information formats, results, insights...) that results from applying this <em>methodology</em> we called [[polyscopy|<em>polyscopy</em>]]. We often use this shorter and simpler keyword also for the [[methodology|<em>methodology</em>]] itself.</p>
<p> You may now imagine <em>knowledge federation</em> as a liberated academic territory, which is made available and at the same time separated from the conventional academic reality by the metaphorical mirror. By stepping through, we are liberated from the <em>reification</em> that "science" means what the scientists have been doing for centuries. Science has acquired a pivotal role in our society, of providing reliable and relied on or "good" knowledge. And even of defining for us what "good" knowledge is. Just as our great predecessor did, who made science great, on the other side of the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]] we are invited to revisit those core questions and find new answers – by weaving together the new fundamental insights, new societal needs and the new capabilities of information technology. </p>
<p>As a [[prototypes|<em>prototype</em>]] or model of the academic or more generally creative frontier on the other side of the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]], [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] will serve us to point to the frontier, strike a conversation about the future of knowledge and of creative work in general, and initiate real-life developments. [[Knowledge Federation|Knowledge Federation]] is a prototype of a new institution, the [[transdiscipline|<em>transdiscipline</em>]], which is capable of developing the [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] praxis. The task of Knowledge Federation is to  add to the conventional creative work the capability to re-create itself. </p>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>We can liberate knowledge and creativity from disciplinary straitjackets.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-5"><p>The first reversal on the other side of the metaphorical mirror is of the way the language and the method are handled.</p>
<p>To see what we are talking about, let us briefly revisit our conventional approach: To obtain an academic license, we are <em>disciplined</em> to adhere to the language and the methods of an established academic discipline (by becoming "philosophy doctors"). We are then instructed to look at the world with the attitude of impartial, disinterested or "objective" observers. The rationale is that we then become able to depict the world as it truly is.</p>
<p>The reversal pointed to by this ideogram is so thorough and so germane to [[polyscopy|<em>polyscopy</em>]] that we are calling the ideogram the Polyscopy ideogram. Our design team simplified this ideogram by deleting the eye that was originally  on the left-hand side of each of the conic tubes, to suggest that they represent "ways of looking" or [[scope|<em>scopes</em>]]. The idea, represented by the <em>ideogram</em>, is that when we've identified the language and methods of scientific disciplines as something that <em>limits</em> what we are able to see, it becomes natural to make adjustments so that we may see more, and see what needs to be seen. In the creative space on the other side of the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]], this is enabled by allowing for the concepts and methods, and even for the fundamental assumptions and values which orient and determine what we do, to be defined by convention. </p>
<p>This reversal empowers us to once again be creative on the level on which the great forefathers of science were creative – instead of turning their methods into an orthodoxy, and repeating them forever.</p></div>
<div class="col-md-4"> [[File:Polyscopy.jpg]] <br><small><center>Polyscopy ideogram</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>We can <em>create</em> concepts and methods.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p>To see the extent and the depth of change, consider the present-day academic value matrix: The most valued work, the so-called "basic research", is the study of the mechanisms of nature <em>by using the standaredized disciplinary terminology and procedures</em>. But does this really make sense on the other side of the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]]? This reversal introduces a whole new dimension of possibilities, where we are allowed to and encouraged to be creative on the level of concepts and method. And where even the re-creation of the conventional routines is considered a NEW notion of "basic research".</p>
<p>Isn't that what we've been showing all along? And isn't that in essence the new frontier our readers are being invited to develop? Don't be deceived by the informal "raggedy" language we are speaking – the work we are doing to establish this frontier is academically thorough in the best old-fasioned academic sense...</p></div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>Multiple ways of looking can be more useful than a one-way "reality picture".</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p>[[polyscopy|<em>Polyscopy</em>]] reverses even the very meaning of information. If we are not claiming the reality of our models – then what is it really that we are saying, when we make a statement or a claim? The answer is that those are <em>scopes</em> – ways of looking, which we share with one another to see more and better. And ultimately to see what needs to be seen.</p>
<p>The Polyscopy ideogram points to a reversal of even the very attitude we have toward claims and ideas. Instead of rejecting whatever fails to agree with our dominant worldview, instead of devising ways to convince or coerce the trespassers, our attitude conforms to the new ethical doex of the [[dialog|<em>dialog</em>]]: We <em>suspend</em> judgement and keep at bay own propensity to reject and criticize. On the other side of the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]] crusading for a single worldview is understood as an impediment to both communication and creativity. Our propensity to be exclusive about our worldview is readily seen as a product of our socialization. Hence we do our best to see things in the way that's been offered, through the offered <em>scope</em>. </p> </div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>We can broaden the scientific method; we can make it applicable to any question or issue.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p>In <em>polyscopy</em> the terms of the language can be freely – yet rigorously and precisely – created by convention. We call them [[keywords|<em>keywords</em>]]. When we want to emphasize that a concept is intended to be interpreted as defined, we italicize it. This enables us to create  precise and even rigorous ways to look at any chosen subject. We not only do not <em>impose</em> our way of looking at things, but we indeed consider it an obligation, and an integral part of the ethos of communication, to explain or <em>justify</em> the <em>scope</em> (why have we chosen to look at the given theme, and why in exactly that specific way or ways). The rationale is that less relevant themes and ways of looking should not take away the attention from the more relevant ones.</p>
<p>The [[Polyscopic Modeling]] [[methodology|<em>methodology</em>]] is conceived as a [[prototypes|<em>prototype</em>]] of a general-purpose methodology – it allows us to create or federate insights and ideas about any subject, and at any level of generality or abstraction. Instead of choosing our subject of study according to the habitual areas of interest and language and method of a discipline, we become free to direct our attention and to prioritize our interests by other concern, notably by their relevance to knowledge work, and to society. What new themes, what types of insights and results are thereby made possible? The [[polyscopy|<em>polyscopy</em>]] prototype elaborates the various consequences of this more creative and more responsible or responsive approach to creative work in quite a bit of detail.</p>
<p>Similarly, [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] is conceived as a set of technologies and technology-enabled social processes that allow even contradictory ideas  to co-exist in the same knowledge-work space. As a [[prototypes|<em>prototype</em>]],  it is a continuously evolving set of practices and social processes, which amount to "collective thinking". The veracity, relevance and compatibility of the stated ideas are continuously brought into relationships, re-evaluated and re-negotiated.</p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– I see on the one side the totality of sense experiences and, on the other, the totality of the concepts and propositions that are laid down in books. </h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>“I shall not hesitate to state here in a few sentences my epistemological credo. I see on the one side the totality of sense experiences and, on the other, the totality of the concepts and propositions that are laid down in books. (…) The system of concepts is a creation of man, together with the rules of syntax, which constitute the structure of the conceptual system. (…) All concepts, even those closest to experience, are from the point of view of logic freely chosen posits, just as is the concept of causality, which was the point of departure for this inquiry in the first place." It is significant that Einstein begins his Autobiographical Notes by stating his "epistemological credo". Isn't he doing exactly what is being proposed here – spelling out his fundamental assumptions, instead of taking them for granted? There is a good reason why Einstein does that – he is preparing the ground for explaining his own contributions, and for the development of modern physics. In subtle yet ultimately obvious ways, the <em>point of departure</em> of modern physics was to challenge the age-old "epistemological credo" of traditional physics, and its worldview and concepts.</p></div>
<div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Einstein.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Albert Einstein]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>We can turn Einstein's "epistemological credo" into a convention.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p><em>Which</em> inquiry was Einstein pointing to in the just-quoted excerpt? Well, obviously, the inquiry of science... Causality is <em>the</em> chosen principle of explanation in the sciences: We understand how the nature works, and we explain how the observed phenomena are <em>caused</em> by the underlying mechanisms. But for all we know, says Einstein, <em>even causality</em> is a human-made concept, and a human-made way of looking at things.</p>
<p>The point of departure of [[polyscopy|<em>polyscopy</em>]]  is to turn Einstein's "epistemological credo" into a convention. Why? Because it is by spelling out the underlying assumptions that we can create a solid basis for changing the rules, the values and the practices as well. And also because by making <em>experience</em> rather than "reality" (as "reflected" by the repertoire of results in the traditional sciences) be the ultimate ground on which the veracity and the value of an insight will rely, we become able to "prove" or as we prefer to say [[justify|<em>justify</em>]]  models in all walks of life – simply by showing that they are consistent with human experience.</p>
<p>Experience can – and does – take very many forms. All of them count. The procedure (whose details are provided in the documents linked below) for establishing a claim as trustworthy or "true" is a combination of the traditional scientific method and the trial by jury. As the experience with [[polyscopy|<em>polyscopy</em>]] shows, this democratizes the truth and meaning profoundly, and opens up to some most interesting cultural and other consequences – ultimately enabling us to aim toward the large and sweeping societal paradigm shift. </p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>We've seen it written that all of philosophy had been footnotes to Plato – and then came Wittgenstein... Wittgenstein is a natural icon for the philosophy's view of the point we are making here, that language imposes restrictions on communication. Although the quoted statement is from the Tractacus, which Wittgenstein later disclaimed, we share it here as an ideographic summary of his Philosophical Investigations as well. By describing the "language games" (masons passing to one another commands from the limited range including "block", "pillar", "slab" and "beam") Wittgenstein pointed to the intrinsic limitations which philosophy may share with science and with any other generalization – when the words we use to generalize or "philosophize" are 'lifted up' from the social context where they originated, they tend to lose their original meaning. They no longer make a well-defined sense! It would appear that we cannot really communicate at all outside of the traditional 'language games' – which might well mean that we cannot deliberately and consciously find a way out of the existing paradigm and begin a new one. But fortunately there's a way out, as we have seen – the truth by convention, or [[scope design|<em>scope design</em>]] as polyscopy has been calling it.</p>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Wittgenstein.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Ludwig Wittgenstein]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– The nineteenth century developed an extremely rigid frame for natural science which formed not only science but also the general outlook of great masses of people. </h4></div>
<div class="col-md-6"><p>In his 1958 book-essay "Physics and Philosophy" [[Werner Heisenberg]] explains how "The nineteenth century developed an extremely rigid frame for natural science which formed not only science but also the general outlook of great masses of people. (...) This frame was so narrow and rigid that it was difficult to find a place in it for many concepts of our language that had always belonged to its very substance, for instance, the concepts of mind, of the human soul, or of life." The entire monograph is an historical account explaining how this worldview become dominant, and how ''the modern physics rigorously disproved it''. Heisenberg concludes that  "one may say that the most important change brought about by the results of modern physics consists in the dissolution of this rigid frame of concepts of the nineteenth century".</p>
<p>The <em>most important</em> change? Heisenberg is not talking only about the limitations of the scientific language (however important the language might be), but about the evolution of our culture, including our values and way of being in the world – which of course determine the course our civilization has taken, and our future. We have made an error, says Heisenberg, in spite of our best intentions, and for understandable and justifiable reasons. We have given the people a narrow, excluding worldview that damaged some of the most vital parts of our culture. Fortunately, we are now in the position to correct that error, because science has discovered the error, it has proven that "the rigid frame" was wrong. </p>
<p> Let us highlight here what may be obvious, because this consequence of Heisenberg's 1958 insight is far too important to be missed: We have <em>an obligation</em> to correct  this error.</p></div>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Heisenberg.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Werner Heisenberg]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– It needs but half an eye to see in these latter days that science, the Grand Revelator of modern Western culture, has reached, without having intended to, a frontier.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>[[Benjamin Lee Whorf]] diagnosed the resulting situation as follows (already in the 1940s!): "It needs but half an eye to see in these latter days that science, the Grand Revelator of modern Western culture, has reached, without having intended to, a frontier. Either it must bury its dead, close its ranks, and go forward into a landscape of increasing strangeness, replete with things shocking to a culture-trammelled understanding, or it must become, in Claude Houghton’s expressive phrase, the plagiarist of its own past."</p>
<p>This brief diagnosis by this visionary thinker hardly needs interpretation. It does, however, merit a moment of reflection, to digest the nuances it is pointing to – and we encourage the reader to pause and honor this opportunity. </p></div>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Whorf.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Benjamin Lee Whorf]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– The objective of studies needs to be to direct the mind so that it brings solid and true judgments about everything that presents itself to it.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>René Descartes is often "credited" as the philosophical father of the limiting (reductionistic) side of science. This Rule 1 from his manuscript "Rules for the Direction of the Mind" (unfinished during his lifetime and published posthumously) shows that even Descartes might have rather be remembered as a supporter of [[polyscopy|<em>polyscopy</em>]].</p>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Descartes.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[René Descartes]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>Knowledge can grow upward.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-5"><p>The second reversal is of the direction in which knowledge is growing.</p>
<p>To see what we are talking about, consider the familiar orientation on technical work and details in the sciences. Consider the focus of media informing on events – however insignificant... The point is that both are "reality" – and isn't that what good knowledge and knowledge work are about?"</p>
<p> The vertical axis and the direction "up" have a distinguished role in <em>polyscopy</em>.  A characteristic result of pursuing this direction is a general insight, principle, rule of thumb... Think of walking up a mountain. What we see down below is the forests, but not the trees. From this venture point we become able to see where the ways are leading to, and choose the one we might want to follow. Later, when we descend from the mountain, we acquire again the more detailed view, which we need to be able to navigate the chosen way.</p>
<p>There's an obvious reason why the direction "down" has acquired prominence: It is <em>there</em> that the presumed "bottom-level reality" is to be found!</p>
<p>In contrast to that, it is by pursuing the direction "up" that we find insights, values, new opinions... and in a word – culture! "Up" is the domain of artistic expression...</p>
<p>The Science on a Crossroads ideogram depicts the point when it was understood that the Newton's concepts and "laws" were not a discovery of the inner workings of nature, but his own creation and an approximation. Two directions of development opened up to science. One direction was to to develop science "downward" – away from daily-life and even intuitive concepts and concerns, and toward greater rigor, precision and detail. The other direction, "upward", was to do in all walks of life what Newton did in physics – create approximate but precise enough concepts and models, which can vastly improve our understanding of <em>new</em> issues, and suitably redirect our action. The sequence of scientists "converging to zero" in the ideogram is there to indicate that only the former option was followed. And that the result of pursuing this direction "to the limit" was that both science and scientists became 'smaller'. </p></div>
<div class="col-md-4"> [[File:Crossroads.jpg]] <br><small><center>Science on a Crossroads ideogram</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– Enough of this. Newton, forgive me...</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>Here a single text will provide sufficient illustration and support – Einstein's "Autobiographical Notes". In a similar way as Heisenberg does in Physics and Philosophy, Einstein first describes the successes of science that resulted by following the classical or Newton's way. Then he points to the discrepancies or anomalies, the phenomena that could not be explained in that way, and that needed completely new thinking. Then he concludes: "Enough of this. Newton, forgive me; you found just about the only way possible in your age for a man of highest reasoning and creative power. The concepts that you created are even today still guiding our thinking in physics, although we now know that they will have to be replaced by others further removed from the sphere of immediate experience, if we aim at a profounder
understanding of relationships."</p></div>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Einstein.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Albert Einstein]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>Why knowledge grows downward</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p>Observe that "up" is a good and natural direction of growth for knowledge as well – toward insight, wisdom, general principle that cover many specific cases... Notice that this – the capability to formulate such principles – was what made science great, what gave it the high esteem we scientists now enjoy. It was why scientific knowledge was accepted as the standard of good knowledge.  How in the world did this get reversed?</p>
A long story made very short (but the long story is important, and we offer it to this conversation it in the documents pointed to below) – the answer must be sought in the peculiar way in which science <em>federates knowledge</em>. Indeed, the traditional science too may be understood as a specific way to federate knowledge – by completing a coherent representation of the basic mechanism of nature, how it all works, and by explaining how the observed phenomena follow as a consequence. This approach, this way of exploring the world, was initially so successful, that it naturally acquired a highest status and became standard! But then something unexpected happened! The insight that compelled an impressive array of [[giants|<em>giants</em>]] to speak out (Einstein in Autobiographical Notes; Heisenberg in Physics and Philosophy; Oppenheimer in Uncommon Sense; Feynman in The Character of Physical Law...) – is that the results of this approach to truth and knowledge were sufficiently developed, the result was a disproof of the original assumptions.</p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>Why knowledge <em>must</em> grow upward</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9">
<p>There are three <em>kinds of</em> disadvantages of the traditional-scientific approach to knowledge (federation):
<li>Evidence goes against the assumption that the underlying model will eventually be completed (there are good reasons to believe that it cannot). Let's leave a proper analysis for another occasion and provide only two hints: (1) the nature is not a mechanism (that's essentially the message that modern physics has given us...); (2) the splitting of the atom is a good metaphor for this situation: the etymological  meaning of "atom" is "indivisible" – it was supposed to be the ultimate particle of matter in terms of which the larger things could be described. So when the molecules and atoms were scientifically discovered, the scientists naturally said "well, here it is!" But the atom <em>did</em> get divided – first into electrons, protons and neutrons, and with time into more than one hundred "subatomic particles". Today the atom is Humpty Dumpty that nobody can put back together again... Our causal explanation of "how it all works" turned out to be retreating downwards, just when it appeared to be within our grip...</li>
<li>The second reason is complexity – understood now in several ways including complex dynamic systems, computational complexity... The point here is that <em>even if</em> we could create a complete model, the interesting consequences would not follow from it; they would probably not even be computable from its mathematical description.</li>
<li>And finally and most importantly – the knowledge we now most urgently and even vitally need is not at all of the "how it all works" kind; and this knowledge will not come into being <em>even if</em> we did find a complete representation of how it all works, and computed its consequences...</li>
Revisiting Einstein's Autobiographical Notes will give us some additional insights. Einstein describes how the classical science, and specifically the Newton's Laws, turned out to be so successful in explaining the natural phenomena, that it became natural to believe that all of nature would soon be understood in a similarly clear and predictable way, just as we might understand the workings of a clockwork. And when it turned out that the things were not at all that simple, at that point the division and organization of the academic or more generally creative work had  <em>already</em> taken place. Einstein, naturally, considered himself "a physicist". Following the other direction was nobody's job!</p>
<p> Notice that what we are talking about is not only a matter of high practical importance, but also a deeper issue of the academic self-perception and self-identity, which is <em>the</em> core theme pointed to by the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]]. At this deeper level, those two directions of growth represent two ways of defining what "good" knowledge and "good" knowledge work represent. One means doing <em>what</em>  Newton did – namely modeling physical phenomena in terms of "physics concepts" such as mass, velocity etc. The other means allowing ourselves to do <em>as</em> Newton did – and create concepts and methods to model, approximately but precisely enough, whatever under the Sun may need our (that is, people's) attention and understanding.
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>Our needs have changed.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>It is time now to put on our map another category of [[giants|<em>giants</em>]] – the ones from the humanities. Let them here, for now, be represented by [[Anthony Giddens]], and more specifically by his keyword "reflexive modernity". The point will be that our society is changing and has already changed. And that in this new situation solid, explicit knowledge on which we could rely to understand situations and issues, has now a key role that was not there previously. Here are some comments of Giddens' work we found on the Web: "It is important for understanding Giddens to note his interest in the increasingly post-traditional nature of society. When tradition dominates, individual actions do not have to be analysed and thought about so much, because choices are already prescribed by the traditions and customs. [...]. In post-traditional times, however, [...] all questions of how to behave in society [...] become matters which we have to consider and make decisions about. Society becomes much more reflexive and aware of its own precariously constructed state. Giddens is fascinated by the growing amounts of reflexivity in all aspects of society, from formal government at one end of the scale to intimate sexual relationships at the other."</p></div>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Giddens.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Anthony Giddens]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>How to help knowledge grow up.</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-9"><p>A short answer is this whole website. <em>Polyscopy</em> shows how "the scientific method" may be suitably turned into something that preserves its advantages, while enabling the creation of <em>high-level</em> insights and results in any area of interest. Similarly the <em>knowledge federation</em> prototypes "the whole thing", including the social processes and technology. The <em>Knowledge Federation</em> transdiscipline prototype models the academic institution capable of federating knowledge according to contemporary interests and epistemological state of the art.</p>
<p>But this whole page is largely a hint, which attempts to be sufficiently detailed to at least give an idea of the interesting substance. So let us do that here with <em>polyscopy</em>. There are several points – and we leave it as a challenge to the reader to see how all this fits into a coherent whole (a methodology, and a paradigm). (1) The stated and anyhow reasonable goal (as we shall see in more detail below) is to provide knowledge according to contemporary needs of people and society. This in itself is a reversal: Instead of believing that our highest goal, our "very best" knowledge, are facts that are "absolutely true" (which, we believe, we can achieve by adhering to the traditional-scientific procedures), we accept (make it a convention) that we the people simply need answers to certain questions. We then take it as our aim to answer those questions <em>as well as we can</em>  – while making provisions for improving both those answers and the procedures which we use to create the answers. (2) Polyscopy enables the creation of high-level information by treating all knowledge the same: Our models are man-made "ways of looking"; and there's experience (which here is the common denominator for experience of all kinds, not only the experience that comes from a laboratory). Our aim then is to make models that in most useful ways represent what is relevant in experience. (3) Knowledge federation as a process is the social process that negotiates the meaning between different models, finds the ones that are most credible, makes sure that the insights are reaching the "cells and organs" in the "social organism" where they are needed, and that the insights are acted upon. (4) Knowledge Federation is the new institution (transdiscipline) whose job is to make sure that all this is done in a way that reflects the relevant knowledge in various fields. </p>
<p>Polyscopy provides a methodology, which includes suitable criteria and keywords. The notion of [[gestalt|<em>gestalt</em>]] has here a central role. The <em>gestalt</em> is our interpretation of a situation (and importantly of the situation we are in), which points to a correct course of action. "Our house is on fire" is a textbook example. By definition (i.e. by convention), having a correct <em>gestalt</em> is what "being informed" is about. <em>Knowledge federation</em> provides suitable methods and social processes by which this goal can be achieved – examples of which are presented on this website. A more comprehensive account of the methods and further examples can be found in the linked documents. </p> </div>
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>We can value creative work differently; we can give it a whole new purpose.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-5"><p>The third and last reversal is of the purpose of creative work, and of the underlying valuation or [[epistemology|<em>epistemology</em>]].</p>
<p>To see what we are talking about, consider once again the present state of affairs: That the most valued academic work consists in looking at the world "in the light of the candles" (traditional disciplines; which, as Whorf suggested, might be seen as "plagiarizing the past" of science. ... </p>
<p>But there's a positive, and hugely valuable message of this ideogram – that there is a RADICALLY better way to direct creative work!</p>
  <p>The Modernity ideogram represents the turning point – the point of departure of the emerging paradigm. It is both an ideographic representation of a <em>gestalt</em> – and hence of a result; and also a definition of a new direction, a specification of an epistemology.</p>
<p>The "conventional wisdom" that the people loath change, that they'll always what they do, is an oxymoron that keeps us from improving our condition. Why not <em>use</em> information, instead of habit, to make choices and choose directions? And why not <em>choose</em> and <em>create</em> information that is suitable or tailored to that purpose? It is that very choice, that direction, which is the mother of all good directions, that the bus ideogram is pointing toward. And it's that very direction that we want to bring to prominence. It is that humbly natural and yet spectacularly gratifying opportunity – of a far larger and more central role of knowledge in our lives and society –  than the Modernity ideogram is informing us about.</p></div>
  <div class="col-md-4"> [[File:bus-ideogram.jpg]] <br><small><center>Modernity ideogram</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>The way we direct our creative skills is not sustainable.</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-9"><p>First of all the characterization of the the situation we are in, the [[gestalt|<em>gestalt</em>]]. Here we are <em>establishing</em> a high-level result, a gestalt. So imagine us riding at an accelerating speed through uncharted and un-illuminated terrain in that vehicle... Obviously, our situation is worse than risky... it is flagrantly un-sustainable! Sooner or later this thing is bound to crash. It's non-sustainable "by design" (that is, by its structure – and by virtue of the fact that its structure has never really been [[design|<em>designed</em>]!  But there's a remedy! Yes, of course, it's to re-create those headlights, what we do with information and knowledge. By [[design|designing]] instead of inheriting what we do with information, suggests this image, we can now make the difference between a hazardous ride into the future, and using our technology to take us to places or conditions where we may justifiably wish to be. Isn't that what we've been talking all along? But there's a still deeper and subtler, more fundamental and more sweeping point. The point is... that by changing the headlights we make THE WHOLE BIG THING radically more valuable (turning it from risky, potentially a mass suicide machine, to a vehicle that can take us to places where we may reasonably want to be). Notice that when we consider the information as a commodity (as the media informing does), or when we create it within the limits of a discipline (as it is common in academic research), we are not likely to do the kind of big structural change that is suggested by the transition from the candle to the light bulb.</p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>The way se are creative can be much more meaningfully directed.</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-9"><p>This is a large and centrally important theme... So here's a brief clue: Consider what the bus represents; it's ALL all our creative efforts, through the ages, put together; it's our civilization; it's what will take us into the future... Consider the headlights: They are a tiny piece in the context of it all. And yet the value of it all – whether it will be a mass suicide device or a vehicle taking us where we may reasonably want to be – will be determined by that one tiny piece! THE POINT: As long as we just use our creativity in an undirected and uninformed way (by following the disciplinary habits, or THE MARKET), we are not at all likely to replace those candles. And that's why we <em>didn't</em> replace them! So the Modernity ideogram is pointing to a task at hand, a piece of modernization we have somehow incredibly forgotten (in the Age of Information!)- to modernize our information. And on a much larger scale – to modernize creative work (make it conscious and purposeful and informed and rationally or reasonably directed)...</p>
<p>Production <em>and</em> consumption become informed (or guided). This opens up most wonderful new ways for creating both things <em>and</em> information!</p>
<p>And then there's the epistemology, the [[design epistemology|<em>design epistemology</em>]] as we call it. Notice the good situation we are in: We have liberated ourselves from the old epistemology (where we are obliged to learn 'the technique of Old Masters' and use it to depict the world as it 'truly is' – to use a metaphor from the world of the arts, which marks the transition to "modern art"). We are in a convention-making space – we can make any convention we like about what information and knowledge are all about, and what values we want to use to esteem and prioritize knowledge work. And so what the Modernity ideogram is saying is – yes, we need to recreate those 'headlights'. That task must be given highest priority. We cannot just continue using our inherited ways... But there's a subtler and deeper message here as well – and that's the key to the new epistemology: It is that (1) information, and knowledge, have a key role to perform in our society... So we have a whole new 'puzzle' – not the traditional 'reality puzzle' of traditional disciplines, but a much more timely 'puzzle' – how to make a knowledge work that turns us into an informed society? So that the democracy may function (lead to choices and direction that are wise and beneficial). So that we may truly benefit from innovation or creative work. </p>
<p>There's a whole new notion of 'basic research' that follows from the new epistemology! It's to CREATE knowledge work. This means being creative on a whole new level. This also means that writing academic articles will not necessarily be THE medium... So we challenge you to stretch your categories and look at what's being presented here as <em>basic research</em> – the key question is what comes next in the stream of actions that leads to those 'headlights' being physically in place... We are invited to be creative in entirely new ways! MUCH freer than what's been the case on the old side of the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]].... And yet far more responsible...</p>
<p>We should say that the [[design epistemology|<em>design epistemology</em>]] is what defines our two main keywords, [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] and [[design epistemology|<em>design epistemology</em>]]. </p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– It is absolutely necessary to find a way to change course. </h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>And now our selected <em>giants</em>, who will help us 'see the light' (the bus with candle headlights). Icons only. Peccei is here  the icon of (federation for) sustainability alias "world problematique".</p>
<p>But what could be a more natural way to "change course" than to change 'the headlights'?</p></div>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Peccei.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Aurelio Peccei]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– The task is nothing less than to build a new society and new institutions for it. </h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>Erich Jantsch – the icon of [[systemic innovation|<em>systemic innovation</em>.  We are organizing the <em>academic</em> space on the other side of the [[mirror|<em>mirror</em>]]... So let's be careful, or academic. This matter is of no small importance... So let's envision a science – which will instruct us how to create the 'headlights'... Well the science already exists! It's cybernetics, or more generally the systems sciences... We could have brought in Norbert Wiener instead. But Jantsch must be credited for bringing the cybernetic approach in line with "sustainability" or "world problematique" – and for taking the NECESSARY STEPS to put the key systems in line. To CREATE the headlights... More about this will be said in [[STORIES|Federation through Stories]]. Briefly now – the point is to add to democracy the capability to "recreate the systems in which they live and work" - as [[Bela Banathy]] phrase it. </p></div>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Jantsch.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Erich Jantsch]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– We are riding a common economic-political vehicle.... </h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>Engelbart is our icon of [[knowledge federation|<em>Knowledge federation</em>]]. The point here is that the contemporary technology has been CREATED to enable us to replace 'candles' by 'light bulbs'. More about this in [[STORIES|Federation through Stories]]. </p></div>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Doug.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Douglas Engelbart]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>– We are the first generation of our species that has the privilege, the opportunity, and the burden of responsibility to engage in the process of our own evolution. </h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-6"><p>"We are <em>the first generation of our species</em> that has the privilege, the opportunity, and the burden of responsibility to engage in the process of our own evolution. We are indeed <em>chosen people</em>. We let this insight of systems scientist [[Bela H. Banathy]], from his book "Guided Evolution of Society" (published in the yr. 2000), and already the title of that book, summarize the insights of the cited and other relevant giants. Indeed this book <em>is</em> a result of a thorough federation! Banathy's conclusion is that we stand before a gigantic evolutionary leap, similar in size and import to the advent of the agriculture. Then we learned to cultivate our outer environment, we assumed a proactive stance toward the nature. Now we are about to learn to similarly cultivate (direct the evolution of) our cultural and social environments. "But we can fulfil this function only if we develop evolutionary competence by evolutionary learning and acquire the will and determination to engage in conscious evolution. These two are core requirements(...)."</p>
The Modernity ideogram may just as well be interpreted as an ideogram pointing to the need to "the guided evolution of society"; the [[design epistemology|<em>design epistemology</em>]] may be understood as a way to secure the mentioned two "core requirements". </div>
  <div class="col-md-3 round-images"> [[File:Banathy.jpg]] <br><small><center>[[Bela Banathy]]</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>We can invent the light bulb.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-5"><p>We can once again invent the light bulb. This time of course in the creative zone where creativity is about to expand – on the level of socio-technical systems, and specifically institutions. But isn't that what we've been talking about all along?</p>
<p>The “i” in the above metaphorical image, composed of a circle on top of a square, renders the information that Knowledge Federation undertakes to create in a nutshell. The purpose of this information  is to provide direction-setting high-level insights (represented by the circle), based on a multiplicity of lower-level insights (represented by the square), which illuminate an issue or phenomenon from multiple sides.</p></div>
<div class="col-md-4"> [[File:i-ideogram.jpg]] <br><small><center>Information ideogram</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>So let's create information – what information may need to be like...</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p>So let's create information – what it may need to be like, to <em>inform</em> us properly!</p>
<p>There's the square – it represents a careful choice of multiple ways of looking. We must carefully look on all sides, from all meaningful angles...</p>
<p>But this is not enough, not at all – it's all POINTLESS unless we condense it to a point, to a general direction-showing insight... That's the circle.</p>
<p>The triangle symbolizes the mountain. So there are these three kinds of abstraction, which are suitably used...</p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>We can rebuild our knowledge.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p>It's an information holon. Such holons inform all important matters. We create information AS WELL AS WE CAN! It's too important to be just ignored (if we cannot do it by using "the scientific method").</p>
<p>Holons put together produce a HOLARCHY. The task of [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] is to maintain it.</p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>We can apply the above techniques to redirect the pursuit of happiness.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p>Aside from directing our creative efforts, as we have just seen, a fertile area for applying these techniques – and for changing the course of the metaphorical bus – is informing what's been called "the pursuit of happiness". Presently this most pivotal of our pursuits is a prime exemplar of what Einstein branded "a plebeian illusion (that the world "really is" as perceived by us through our senses). We may caricature it by the image of someone who discovered he liked chocolate cake, and then "pursued happiness" by eating chocolate cake to the point where his tummy began to hurt; and where <em>nothing</em> tastes any more, including the chocolate cake.</p>
<p>Add to this the half-a-trillion-dollars-a-year global advertising industry – which uses state-of-the-art science and communication design to manipulate our choices, so that we'll want even <em>more</em> 'chocolate cake' (because the very existence of businesses in the overgrown 'chocolate cake industry' depends on such a state of affairs). Add also us, academic scientists, looking the other way – because this is none of our business, and because we have more important matters to occupy ourselves with – and you'll have a complete picture of our present way of handling this all-important issue.</p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>Pursuit of happiness can become evidence based.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-5"><p>Suitable information can be developed by federating knowledge. The Convenience Paradox ideogram shows a possible result. This was the very first exemplar of a result in [[polyscopy|<em>polyscopy</em>]], presented at the Einstein Meets Magritte transdisciplinary conference in 1995 (the article appeared in 1999). The ideogram depicts a situation where the pursuit of a more convenient direction (down) leads to an increasingly less convenient condition. By representing the way that in the long run leads us to either happiness or misery as the yin (which stands for dark, or obscure) in the traditional yin-yang ideogram, it is suggested that the way to convenience or happiness needs to be illuminated by suitable information.</p></div>
<div class="col-md-4"> [[File:CP-ideogram.jpg]] <br><small><center>Information ideogram</center></small></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>Suitable information can be created by federating knowledge.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p>The [[justification|<em>justification</em>]] of this [[patterns|<em>pattern</em>]] is composed of a variety of specific anecdotes and insights, spanning a wide range of sources of insights, examples of which the therapeutic techniques of F.M. Alexander and Moshe Feldenkrais, Buddhism and psychoanalysis.  The rationale is that although some of them are "scientific" and others are not, each of them in its own way  represent the experiences reached through working with large numbers of people.</p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-3"><h4>The mindset or paradigm out of which the system arises is the most impactful way to intervene.</h4></div>
  <div class="col-md-9"><p>Let us summarize our main point by hearing a lady giant – Donella Meadows. </p>
<p>"Folks who do systems analysis have a great belief in “leverage points.” These are places within a complex system (a corporation, an economy, a living body, a city, an ecosystem) where a small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything." This is how the systems scientist Donella Meadows began her essay "Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System". Of course, as the above quotation we picked up on the Web might also suggest, the "feedback" or the information and information flow comes to mind first – and isn't that what we've been talking all along! But there's a finer and subtler point: In the list of systemic leverage points (which have often been quoted in the systems community), here is what she identifies as <em>the</em> most powerful: "The mindset or paradigm out of which the system — its goals, power structure, rules, its culture — arises." You will have no difficulty noticing that the specific approach to knowledge that has been outlined here has exactly that as its distinguishing characteristic. The now prevailing paradigm may well be now seen as a social creation of truth and meaning which relies on updating <em>a paradigm</em> – and largely ignoring or denying whatever fails to fit in. But fortunately we know – or should know – better... And so the the presented ideograms, and of course the ideas they represent, pave the way to an approach to knowledge where evolution of new ways of looking, and not fitting things into the existing way of looking and conceiving things (or paradigm) is its mode of operation. </p></div>
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  <div class="col-md-2"><h2>See</h2></div>
  <div class="col-md-1"><big>&diams;</big></div>
<div class="col-md-9"><p><b>The first book of Knowledge Federation Trilogy</b> titled "Liberation" and subtitled "Religion for the Third Millennium". The relevance to our larger theme, the [[paradigm strategy]], can be understood by analogy with the Humanism and the Renaissance. Is a profound change of our worldview and values, of our very "cultural DNA" likely to result when we begin to federate rather than ignore the relevant insights? </p>
<p>Science liberated us from an outdated religious view and made us free to pursue happiness here on Earth. But what if we (as Heisenberg suggested – because of our "rigid and narrfow worldview") misunderstood BOTH happiness AND religion? What if ... The Liberation is ... well, read the book.. But it includes also the liberation from the imposed narrow worldview – just as the case was the last time around...</p>
<p>Religion has in all traditional society played the role of connecting us with each other into a community, and connecting us with our purpose. Religion has been the source of ethics... And then something happened. As Heisenberg wrote in Physics and Philosophy (about the "narrow and rigid frame of concepts" of 19th century science) "It was especially difficult to find in this framework room for those parts of reality that had been the object of the traditional reli- gion and seemed now more or less only imaginary. Therefore, in those European countries in which one was wont to follow the ideas up to their extreme consequences, an open hostility of sci- ence toward religion developed, and even in the other countries there was an increasing tendency toward indifference toward such questions." Is an entirely new approach to religion, and to ethics and values, ready to emerge when we begin to once again take knowledge seriously (but handle it and organize it in an entirely new way)? See the [http://knowledgefederation.net/Misc/Liberation.pdf introduction to Liberation], and the preliminary blog post sketches [https://polyscopy.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/science-and-religion/ Science and Religion], and [https://polyscopy.wordpress.com/2015/11/22/the-garden-of-liberation/ The Garden of Liberation].</p>
<p>Strategically, this book is conceived to "put the ball in play" – to attract public attention to these themes, by problematizing some of the issues that are so much part of our cultural makeup, of our socialized identity, that the act of turning them upside-down just cannot be ignored. Strategically, this book is playing a kind of a Judo trick on the present distribution of attention in the public and the media.</p></div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-2"><h2></h2></div>
  <div class="col-md-1"><big>&diams;</big></div>
<div class="col-md-9"><p><b>The details of the philosophical foundations of the emerging creative frontier</b>, as [[prototypes|<em>prototyped</em>]] by [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] and [[polyscopy|<em>polyscopy</em>]].  The relevance to our larger theme, the [[paradigm strategy]], can be understood by analogy with the emergence of science. A good place to begin is the blog post [https://polyscopy.wordpress.com/2010/02/07/return-to-reason/ Return to Reason], which presents an explanation of the historicity of our prevailing academic standards and practices (shows that they are not eternal ways to objective truth, but a product of specific circumstances and historical incidents that gave them their present shape) – from the pen of an expert (Stephen Toulmin, whose book "Return to Reason" is surveyed and commented in the blog post, was a reputed philosopher of science). The book manuscript Informing Must be Designed (whose [https://folk.uio.no/dino/IDBook/Introduction.pdf introduction] is open but whose chapters need to be unlocked with the password "Dubrovnik") introduces the methods and techniques of polyscopy, and then applies them to justify the claim made in its title (which is the same as the main message of the Modernity ideogram).  Pay attention to Chapter 4, which introduces a novel way of understanding the power and politics – and shows why the new approach to knowledge is a <em>necessary</em> part of our "societal immune system". A more recent presentation of the foundations and method of [[polyscopy|<em>polyscopy</em>]] titled "What might play the role of Copernicus" (hear [https://soundcloud.com/dinokarabeg/polyscopy-v1-no2-copernicus this recording] while viewing [https://www.dropbox.com/s/yj34myh776opdxe/PolyScopy%20Philosophy.pdf?dl=0 these slides]) is a play on the theme of another metaphor, Archimedes claim that he could "move the world" if he'd be given a lever and "a firm place to stand". An approach to knowledge is described that is capable of 'moving' our social and cultural world (a task to which we must give priority, now that we've acquired to "move" our physical world, albeit not always in the best possible way...).</p>
<p>All this – the brief sketch provided above, and the earlier sketches just mentioned, are expected to converge to a book with tentative title "Knowledge Federation" and tentative subtitle "Science for the Third Millennium". This is intended to be the third book in [[Knowledge Federation  Trilogy]], by which the [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] proposal will be placed into the public sphere. There's a strategy that accompanies this proposal – to create an event, and stir up the interest of the public for certain themes. And then follow up with a public dialog <em>through which the suitable public sphere that is capable of reflecting on those themes and bringing them to a conclusion</em> will be put in place. We cannot emphasize enough that <em>this process is our goal, and our value proposition</em>, not any specific idea or implementation of creative work for this new millennium. Here the medium truly is the message!</p></div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-2"><h2></h2></div>
  <div class="col-md-1"><big>&diams;</big></div>
<div class="col-md-9"><p><b>The key insights of the historical pioneers of the emerging creative frontier</b>, and their histories. The relevance to our larger theme, the [[paradigm strategy]], can be understood by analogy with the Industrial Revolution. Could our work in general, and our creative work in particular, become dramatically more efficient and effective? We shall see in [[STORIES|Federation through Stories]] that [[Douglas Engelbart]] and [[Erich Jantsch]] – who are on these pages given the role of the icons of the two core ideas that mark the emerging frontier, respectively [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] and [[systemic innovation|<em>systemic innovation</em>]] – famously failed to find resonance for their ideas in the contemporary academia. We shall see also that their ideas tend to be ignored also by people whose profession has become to help us "resolve the global issues". Can our efforts to "change course" (as Peccei framed it) or to begin "guided evolution of society" (as Banathy framed it) really be done without the recourse of those scientific insights that can tell us what is possible and what is not? Can our overgrown muscles of technological and other innovation continue to be running rampant, uninformed by a suitably developed and informed "collective mind"? [[knowledge federation|<em>knowledge federation</em>]] has been conceived as a new academic space where the contemporary Douglas Engelbart and Erich Jantsch will find their institutional home. </p>
<p>These insights and histories are sketches for the second book of [[Knowledge Federation Trilogy]] whose tentative title is "Systemic Innovation", and tentative subtitle "Democracy for the Third Millennium"</p></div>

Latest revision as of 12:18, 6 January 2024

– We’ve entered an age of information glut. And this is something no culture has really faced before. The typical situation is information scarcity. […] Lack of information can be very dangerous. […] But at the same time too much information can be dangerous, because it can lead to a situation of meaninglessness […].

(Neil Postman in a televised interview to Open Mind, 1990)

"[...] of people not having any basis for knowing what is relevant, what is irrelevant, what is useful, what is not useful, where they live in a culture that is simply committed, through all of its media, to generate tons of information every hour, without categorizing it in any way for you", Postman continued.

Knowledge federation is a social process whose function is to connect the dots.

And complement publishing and broadcasting by adding meaning or insights to overloads of data; and by ensuring that insights are acted on.

Among various sorts of insights, of especial importance are gestalts; of which "Our house is on fire" is the canonical example: You may know all the room temperatures and other data; but it is only when you know that your house is on fire that you are empowered to act as your situation demands. A gestalt can ignite an emotional response; it can inject adrenaline into your bloodstream.

I use the word gestalt to pinpoint what the word informed means.

Our traditions have instructed us how to handle situations and contingencies by providing us a repertoire of gestalt–action pairs. But what about those situations that have not happened before?

Knowledge federation uses ideograms to create and communicate gestalts and other insights. An ideogram can condense one thousand words into an image; and make the point of it all recognizable at a glance; and communicate know-what in ways that incite action.

The existing knowledge federation ideograms are only a placeholder—for a variety of techniques that will be developed through artful and judicious use of media technology.

Modernity ideogram explains the error that is the theme of this proposal.

Modernity ideogram

By depicting our society as a bus and our information as its candle headlights, Modernity ideogram renders the gestalt of our contemporary condition in a nutshell.


Modernity ideogram

Imagine us as passengers in this bus—as it rushes at accelerating speed toward certain disaster; I imagine it already off track, struggling to dodge trees; and that dodging trees is its only way to choose directions.

Modernity ideogram points to the fundamental root of this error.

Nobody in his right mind would design this vehicle; surely the people who created it must have simply reified the source of illumination they had as headlights, without giving it a thought.

In One Hundred Pages for the Future, in 1981, based on a decade of The Club of Rome's research into the future prospects of mankind, Aurelio Peccei—this global think tank's leader and co-founder—concluded: “It is absolutely necessary to find a way to change course.” How can we possibly change course while our 'headlights' are as they are?

Information must intervene between us and the world.

And between us and our choices; and not just any information—but information that has been conscientiously designed for its pivotal function (I qualify something as pivotal if it decisively influences our society's evolutionary course; and as correct if it corrects it).

In Guided Evolution of Society, in 2001, systems scientist Béla H. Bánáthy federated relevant academic sources, and concluded in a genuinely holotopian tone:

“We are the first generation of our species that has the privilege, the opportunity, and the burden of responsibility to engage in the process of our own evolution. We are indeed chosen people. We now have the knowledge available to us and we have the power of human and social potential that is required to initiate a new and historical social function: conscious evolution. But we can fulfill this function only if we develop evolutionary competence by evolutionary learning and acquire the will and determination to engage in conscious evolution. These are core requirements, because what evolution did for us up to now we have to learn to do for ourselves by guiding our own evolution.”

Modernity ideogram points to this new communication challenge we are facing—to foster "evolutionary competence"; and the "will and determination to engage in conscious evolution" to begin with.

Knowledge federation prototypes "evolutionary guidance".

Or metaphorically—the society's new 'headlights'.

Information ideogram depicts the (principle of operation of the socio-technical) lightbulb.

Information ideogram

What do we need to do to correct this so ugly error?

Improving the candle won't do; that will never lead us to the lightbulb! So we must first of all design the process; and (you may need to reflect for a moment to see why) this process must include a prototype.

Knowledge federation is both the process and the prototype.


Information ideogram

The Information ideogram depicts (the 'lightbulb' or) information (what it needs to be like to provide us evolutionary guidance) as an “i” (for "information"), composed as a circle or dot or point on top of a rectangle. Think of the rectangle as (representing) a multitude of documents; and the point as the point of it all; then you may interpret this ideogram as a way to say the obvious—that without a point, a myriad of printed pages are point-less!

The information "i" is inscribed in a triangle representing the metaphorical mountain; which you'll easily comprehend if you think about rising above those 'trees' and the proverbial "information jungle"—in order to see where the roads lead and which one we need to follow.

The (socio-technical) 'lightbulb' is created by federating knowledge.

As one would do to create the lightbulb, or any other technical object—we first identified the function or functions this new object will need to serve; and then federated the relevant sources—to find out what the thing that suits the function needs to be like. I'll illustrate a broad variety of sources we've consulted by a single one—the Object Oriented Methodology. And here too (as I always do in the Liberation book) I'll highlight the main points by sharing a vignette.

When the first computers appeared on the market, and people saw the potential of this new machine, ambitious software projects were undertaken—which often resulted in chaos: Thousands of tangled up lines of "spaghetti code", which were impossible to comprehend and correct. The solution was found in the creation of "software design methodologies"; among which the Object Oriented Methodology constituted the solution of choice and a landmark. Ole-Johan Dahl (who co-created the Object Oriented Methodology with Kristen Nygaard, and later received the Turing Award—the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in computing—for this work) wrote (with C.A.R. Hoare) in Structured Programming in 1972, in a chapter called “Hierarchical Program Structures”:

“As the result of the large capacity of computing instruments, we have to deal with computing processes of such complexity that they can hardly be understood in terms of basic general purpose concepts. The limit is set by the nature of our intellect: precise thinking is possible only in terms of a small number of elements at a time. The only efficient way to deal with complicated systems is in a hierarchical fashion. The dynamic system is constructed and understood in terms of high level concepts, which are in turn constructed and understood in terms of lower level concepts, and so forth.”

Think again of "information jungle"; and imagine it as an enormous mess of documents—all mixed up together; imagine the mountain rising from it and above it as a structure of viewpoints; each of which offers a coherent view (you can bend down and inspect a flower; or climb up the mountain and see the valley below; but the nature of our vision is such that we cannot see both at once).

Only coherent views can be comprehended.

If computer programs are to be comprehensible, reusable and modifiable—they need to be structured in a way that conforms to the limits of our intellect, Dahl and his colleagues found out; and created the Object Oriented Methodology as a way to enable the programmers—or to even compel the programmers to achieve that; by programming in terms of "objects".

The creators of Object Oriented Methodology considered themselves accountable for the tools they gave to programmers; at universities, we too must become accountable—for the information tools we gave to researchers! And to the people at large!

It is those tools that determine whether the result of humanity's (information-related) efforts will be chaos—or a new order!

I adapted the idea of the "object" and drafted the information holon; which is what the Information ideogram depicts. Arthur Koestler coined the keyword "holon" to denote something that is both a whole and a piece in a larger whole; and I applied it to information.

The information holon is a structuring template and principle; it is composed of a manageable collection of coherent 'side views', which compose the rectangle (and allow us to see a subject matter 'from all sides'); which together allow us to see and justify (or 'prove') a point—on a still higher level of generality.

The mountain is technically the information holarchy; it is composed of information holons—so that the points of a more detailed holons serve as dots to be connected to compose those more general or high-level ones.

You may now comprehend knowledge fedration as the process of distilling insights or points from the 'information jungle'; and rendering them as information holons—to be readily comprehended and verified; and combining them into information holarchy—to enable us to collectively rise above 'the information jungle' and comprehend things clearly.

Holotopia ideogram shows what we'll see when proper light's been turned on.

Holotopia ideogram

Holotopia is the vision that resulted when we used 'the lightbulb' to 'illuminate the way': We chose five pivotal categories (five factors that decisively influence our society's evolutionary course); and for each of them collected and organized what's been academically published or otherwise reported; and condensed it all to a general point or insight. Those five categories are:

  • innovation—our technology-augmented capability to create and induce change
  • information—which by definition includes not only written documents, but all other forms of heritage or recorded human experience; and also the social processes by which information is created and put to use
  • foundation—on which we develop knowledge and culture at large; which by definition includes the principles and the criteria we use to decide what we'll collectively rely on and live by; and what in our heritage is worth preserving and developing further
  • method—by which we create knowledge, and distinguish knowledge from belief
  • values—which direct "the pursuit of happiness" and our other pursuits.


Holotopia ideogram

The Holotopia ideogram comprises five pillars, each of which has a pivotal category as base and a point or insight as capital; think of a pillar as elevating us above "information jungle", so that we may comprehend a factor that determines our society's evolutionary course clearly and correctly.

A general insight resulted from the holotopia experiment.

Whenever we applied knowledge federation to a pivotal category, in each case the resulting insight toppled the "conventional wisdom"—by showing that the way the category is ordinarily comprehended and handled needs to be thoroughly revised and reversed; and that the effect of each of those reversals will be a dramatic improvement of our overall condition, personal and social.

The resulting five points or five insights elevate our comprehension of the world and our situation as a whole; so that when other similarly important themes such as creativity, religion and education are considered in the context of those five pointstheir comprehension and handling too ends up being revised and reversed; and we added ten themes to this ideogram—represented by the edges joining the five insights—to illustrate that.

Furthermore, the courses of action or reversals those five insights point to turned out to be so inextricably co-dependent, that making one of them necessitates that we make them all; or in other words—that making any of the obviously necessary improvements of our condition necessitates changing this condition, or technically the paradigm as a whole.

Each of those five reversals turned out to be a special case of this general principle:

Make things whole.

Which I can now offer you as holotopia principle—the simple rule of thumb pointing to a requisite new way in which we need to direct our creative efforts; and the resulting new evolutionary course and its corresponding 'destination' or order of things or paradigm.

To be able to make things whole we need to see things whole.

So I now offer you see things whole as the holoscope principle—the rule of thumb pointing to a new and informed (creation and use of) information.

I can now invite you to take one more step up the metaphorical mountain—and consider this general conclusion:

We are not informed.

What we have—regarding any of the core themes of our lives and times—is not knowledge but belief.

As soon as we substitute the 'lightbulb' for the 'candle', and knowledge for belief—our comprehension and handling of life's core issues will be radically transformed.

And result in radical improvement of our condition.

The holotopia experiment showed that (not "success", nor "profit", but) making things whole is the direction we need to follow; that (not self-centeredness and competition, but) collaborative self-organization is our—and everyone's—enlightened interest.

The stars in the Holotopia ideogram represent prototypes—which are the results of this enlightened course of action. Prototype are the knowledge federation technical tool that enables us to put the make things whole principle into practice; to turn insights into action and action into real-life effects, and concerted change.

– A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.
(Albert Einstein in an interview to The New York Times, 1946)

My point

It stands to reason that thinking "inside the box"—within the confines of our habitual and institutionalized patterns of thought and action, which (as Max Weber diagnosed at the point of inception of scientific study of society) keeps us confined to "the iron cage" of dysfunctional and obsolete institutions or systems (of which the system of information, our society's 'candle headlights', is the example at hand), which I'll designate as conditioned—won't do the job. The "liberation" in Liberation book's title is, of course all-inclusive or comprehensive—just as wholeness and holotopia, its results, are; but to make things simple you may just as well see it as the liberation of the mind from conditioning—which is the key to comprehensive liberation.

"The tie between information and action has been severed", Neil Postman warned in his keynote to German Informatics Society titled "Informing ourselves to Death", in 1990; the liberated mind is that tie. But the information we have today cannot liberate the mind; because it cannot be turned into action. The information that will liberate us and empower us must be different in outlook and structure; it must be created by a social process that is different from all institutionalized processes we have—as the holotopia experiment so convincingly confirmed.

It is "widely known" that this liberating sort of information was what Plato undertook to foster when he created Academia; so I turned academia into a keyword, and use it to designate "the institutionalized academic tradition"; in order to point out that what we've institutionalized is not what this tradition's founding fathers had in mind.

But this is not my point.

I am not telling you how the world is—but acting in a new way; and inviting you to act. Because ironically—as long as we use our old and dysfunctional processes and systems to communicate and act—we remain part of those systems; and hence also part of the problem!

The error I am proposing to correct is an error of self-perception.

We've been taught to see ourselves as "objective observers"; and that "our job" is to report what we see in conventional publications; we need to see ourselves as actors caught up in a dysfunctional system—and liberate ourselves and update our system by self-organizing differently; so that academia can give its key contribution to continuing our culture's evolution; as it did in Galilei's time.

I invite you to partake in restoring the severed tie between information and action.

In this precarious moment of transition from one stable order of things to another, which has been called the Information Age, information is the transformative power and critical resource that we scientists, we academic researchers, can and must be accountable for; which we must use to empower all of us to be accountable for the viability of our species; and to continue our culture's evolution.

You and I will truly begin to communicate when you'll no longer see me as trying to convince you of something—but as handing out a missing pieces of the puzzle that is yours to solve.

My point is not to tell you how the world is or how to correct it. I am not here to describe anything but to act, and I'm inviting you to act; so that together we may foster the social process and be the social process that will supply the information we the people vitally need; the information that will restore vision to post-industrial democracy; and allow culture to continue evolving.

The substance of this proposal is a practical way to achieve that.